Friday, January 15, 2010

Nu Ear Anyone Know The Name Or Singer? (Mandarin Songs)?

Anyone know the name or singer? (Mandarin songs)? - nu ear

Someone gave me these two songs in Mandarin, and have the title or artist name XD I wonder if anyone knows .. Here the choir is

1. Nanri Nanri, Nuren Nuren song:
Nan Nan SS
Duo Xi Huan Ni hao shi s
Duo Xi Huan Yong Chen
Range where bi bu zai xing Teng
Nu Ren Nu Ren
Where Dai Ying Zuo ge hao ren
Where Where Dai Yong Yi Yi Sheng
Huan Lai or what sheng yi kuai

2. Xiang Tai Duo song:
Xiang Tai Duo Shi Where
Zong Yang Shuo Ni Zhe
Chui Mei Dan or
Xiang xing tiao de r
Xiang Tai Duo Shi Where
YE Yang Shuo Zhe Where

I'm sure it's not quite true, because I have it by ear and my Mandarin is not too good. I looked at the actual letters .. When I use the title of the song or singer's name! x_X

1 comment:

lbj&shaq... said...

The first is Nan Ren Nv Ren by Valen Hsu. the second is called Xiang Tai Duo Nicky Lee. Look at my sources for the texts, is the first site, the first song and the website from second to second.

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