Saturday, January 23, 2010

Knee Replacement Pain Total Knee Replacement Pain And Stiffness?

Total knee replacement pain and stiffness? - knee replacement pain

I just had a prosthesis in two weeks. I had completed eight (8) previous procedures on the same knee. The surgeon told me that there is still much to do, when you open the joint. I still can not bend the knee past 40 degrees and all the exercises cause stiffness and swelling - Did someone submit proposals for additional stiffness and end?

Thank you in advance.


mistify said...

If you have not reached 90 degrees over the next two weeks, I will discuss sugeon with your therapist or a static progressive splint, since use of the JAS splint. It is a slow and gradual expansion, which proved more effective than the passive motion or dynamic. Take twice daily for 30 minutes. It provides a comfortable stretch, after 5 minutes, objected to the progress of the last straight handle ... This happens every five minutes to 30 minutes. It is better to get to the top of the movement in the first 8 weeks after that, it is very difficult to obtain large amounts of movement.

dbarnes3 said...

It only takes time and practice. TKR surgery is one of the most difficult to recover from the surgery. Walk, walk and sit back, bike, bikes are especially good. Stay on the ball and become gradually more agility. Good luck. You can take pain medication for 30 to 40 minutes before training for maximum benefit.

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