Sunday, February 14, 2010

Brother Lost A Bet My Brother Lost A Bet To Me What Should I Do?

My brother lost a bet to me what should I do? - brother lost a bet

I am a girl, and he was sexist, and we had lost a bet and so fir this weekend, all clothes should do girly girl, what should I do? The rules would be if I win and I have, you can not have baby stuff fir the weekend and the clothes she wears, girls are girly, so you need to wear


That dude said...

Open a bikini and high heels to make nails painted toed and swimming and design for a lasting tan during the summer. lol

Even the mini-skirt and tube top with bra straps and high heels can be fun and has a trip to the mall.

Eilise said...

Good for you. I see an image search on Google for "girly place. Click on the link to the photos of many possibilities.

% Http: / / images /? Q = girly ...

sattp said...

Her brother is a horse? Right?

betotron said...

Girls Boots

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