Thursday, February 4, 2010

Blood With Mucus And Tender Breast Bleeding 1 Week After Miscarriage?

Bleeding 1 week after miscarriage? - blood with mucus and tender breast

I had a MC 3 weeks and complete the 2 there is a miscarriage weeks. The bleeding stopped 1 weeks and a scan showed no tissue left on the pregnancy last week. Yesterday I had the steak, blood, mucus, leading to a few blood stains. Thats the day I have severe bleeding dark red mixed with mucus. My Partener and unprotetcted had sex 3 times since the MC, I'm not gettin period cramps, or show anything to a period other than the pain and tingling in the chest (sorry for all TMI) just really bored by this purge, there is nothing more to show what it is.
Please help
wit no responses medium pathetic please. Thanks


Anonymous said...

This happened to me, in addition to bleed ididnt to 6 weeks after my miscarriage, but I'm not a miscarriage at 9 hours per week, so depending on depending on the distance, how long after you get a period of

his first term will be like my pain, and now the first 1 is very hard and lumpy

Anonymous said...

This is my first cycle after my miscarriage. Bleeding from time to time patches for 2-3 weeks after the abortion was complete. He was also one of the longer cycles for me, wait for my first real time.

Anonymous said...

Id think that would be the time from backup! perhaps still too early to say what they see others do, but not why you wouldnt start up again. Fortunately for the future.

Anonymous said...

Hello sorry for your loss, I had exactly the same thing after my miscarriage that lasted about a week if they remain concerned call your doc or the hospital where the analysis is not on the phone to me a few times when I always worried.
Hope this helps and makes the mind.

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